10 MOST COSTLY MISTAKES WE'VE MADE BUILDING 4WDs! What people DON'T tell you about project 4WDs!って人気で話題らしいぞ、見逃さないで!!
投稿したのが04/28 06:53で91576も再生されてるってすごいな
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Get 15% off catch cans, pre-filters & Trans-chill kits with code 15OFF4WD247 at https://directionplus.com.au/ 🔥
15% OFF a Runva 13XP from https://www.4wd247.com/This week on BEERS IN THE SHED Shaun Whale & Graham Cahill are throwing back to all the worst (and most costly) mistakes they’ve made in all their 4WD builds… Plus we’ve got all the Best 4WD fails, built up rigs & PRIZES to giveaway from Ultimate9!
Want your rig featured in the shed? Just post it to ANY social media platform with #4wd247rigs or #4wd247fails
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>>7 おつかれ。いつもありがと